[dropcap]So[/dropcap] it’s finally time to get GoGo (Get Online, Get Open) started in a meaningful way.
I have posted before about the development of an open, online course for beginners. Well I am delighted to say that this course has started development. I will be using the canvas.net platform by Instructure.
After my experience of Connected Courses I had originally intended to build the course in the WordPress or Known platform. However, I think that Canvas provides me with the ideal space through which to develop the course that I need now and more importantly has the capacity to scale the course in the future. I had to remind myself that my course is for beginners of the open, online web and that some aspects of WordPress perhaps need a bit more confidence.
The first module of the course has been created in readiness for my presentation/workshop at OER15 in Wales. The other modules are to be developed as part of the workshop itself: https://oer15.oerconf.org/sessions/what-the-fooc-supporting-staff-in-preparing-to-become-open-and-online-learners-675/
The purpose of the workshop is to use the collective expertise and experiences of open education experts to build a course that will appeal to the “newbie”. Above all the intention of the course is to prepare others to become confident and capable open, online learners so that they more effectively use the open web to access learning and development. I see lots of opportunities for (academic) staff to undertake personal and professional development through MOOCs and other similar open, online courses but they lack confidence or the skills to be able to do so.
One aspect of this course is to also encourage the establishing of local face-to-face groups to provide that often much needed safety net that comes from those face-to-face conversations. To this end I have labeled this course as a FOOC (Facilitated Online Open Course).
The course currently has 6 planned modules:
- What is Open? An introduction to open education and the open web.
- Connectedness. An overview of the tools and networks available for connecting with open learners inside and outside the formal systems.
- Sharing & Reflecting. Getting learners to begin sharing their experiences and reflecting on them through blogs or other tools.
- Impact & Effectiveness. Identifying how the learning is/may impact your own work.
- Finding Open Courses for CPD. This module focusses on learning how to find open courses and use them effectively for CPD.
- Open Learner to Open Teacher. This final module encourages the learner to “pass it forward” and take their own learning on the course and share it with others.
Each module will run for 1 week with an expected commitment of 2 hours a week from the participants.
So…………..what can you do to help?
Firstly, if you are coming to OER15 attend the workshop, share your ideas and help me plan and build this course as part of the workshop.
Secondly, if you would like to run a facilitated version of this course in your local institution/workplace then get in touch via the contact page or Twitter and let’s talk about working together.
Thirdly, the course is scheduled to start in September 2015 so please do get in touch if you have any ideas, want to get involved or you want to share disseminate the course information to your colleagues.
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Update: Here is the course listing in Canvas: https://www.canvas.net/browse/canvasnet/courses/get-online-get-open